Last Updated on July 1, 2021 by ImmuneshieldAdmin
Let’s jump right in, what is colloidal silver? Colloidal silver is a liquid in a glass container that has micron-sized silver particles suspended in it. The best way to describe it is with the old saying, “like water, only different” because it is hypoallergenic and nontoxic in all concentrations.
There are several natural health benefits associated with colloidal silver. Some of these include fighting infections, repairing damaged tissue, and reducing inflammation, which can make the body stronger and heal faster. When viewing this list of colloidal benefits you may be wondering if there is any downside to taking this supplement? My answer would be absolutely not!
Take note that it is easy-to-use; no prescription needed; natural health benefit; no dangerous side effects.
If you look at the back of the bottle, there will be a list of ingredients. The primary ingredient is almost always silver that is diluted in pure water. The amount of silver in the liquid will differ depending on if it is referred to as ingestible or topical use.
The highest grade is indicated by PPM (parts per million) which stands for the quality and purity of the product. A concentrated colloidal silver with 10 PPM and above indicates that it can go through your digestive system without being digested, while a 2-4 PPM indicates that you should only take a small amount at a time.
So what are the specific health benefits of colloidal silver? Topical use can heal burns, acne, and even eye infections. Ingestible use can be used to treat colds and flu, stimulate the immune system and liver, reduce allergies, improve brain function, prevent arteriosclerosis, promote heart health, and more.
The silver particles in the colloidal silver are very small at .02 microns (the average size of a virus), which is why they can get in the nooks and crannies of a virus or bacteria and destroy them by killing them off without affecting your body’s healthy cells.
There are so many natural health benefits associated with colloidal silver. Some of these include fighting infections, repairing damaged tissue, reducing inflammation which may help the body to heal faster.
Check out our Lightning Colloidal Silver from Enriching Gifts to start benefitting your health today!