Why Immune Support is Important: 5 Things That Suppress Your Immune System

Last Updated on March 25, 2021 by ImmuneshieldAdmin

“Prevention is better than cure” is a years-old proverb by the wise, yet remains valid even now. There’s no denying the fact that every health issue must be treated at its earliest, but it’s best always to nip it in the bud. We’d say the same for your immune system. To prevent your immune support from falling apart, it’d be wiser of you to firstly cut off all those self-harming things and habits. However, the first step to get those things that weaken the immunity out of the way, we must know what they actually are.

If nobody ever told you about them, we’ll do that for you. Keep reading to find out more.

immune support

5 Things That Hurt Your Immune System

Here’s a list of things that lower your immune support and slow down healing:

1. Inadequate Sleep

When you don’t allow your body enough rest to recover from the effects of daily routine challenges and exhaustion by not sleeping well, your body is bound to break down. Lack of sleep and unhealthy patterns take a massive toll on your immune system that disables your body from producing infection-fighting cells. To cope with this issue, consciously maintain a habit of going early to bed and having a good 8-9 hours of sleep.

2. Alcohol

Reflect carefully on your alcohol consumption. If you have it way too much every other day, you’re going to put your immunity in a lot of trouble. Going over-board with alcohol, only even once, shuts your immune support for the next 24 hours. Alcoholic drinks shrink your body’s ability to produce immune cells and fight off infections and viruses. Pneumonia, certain cancers, tuberculosis and liver ailments can hit you in no time as your body loses its immunity to resist these diseases when you drink alcohol way too often. Resort to fresh fruit juices and cut down the alcohol.

3. Vitamin D Deficiency

Low levels of Vitamin D slow down your immune support and makes you vulnerable to pains, flu, coughs and fatigue. Vitamin D powers up the immune system and is also essential for calcium absorption in your body, so you must not neglect it from your diet. Sources like eggs, cereals, fatty fish, and milk are rich in Vitamin D, and you must somehow incorporate them in your diet to overcome this deficiency. 5-10 minutes of sun exposure instantly lifts your Vitamin D levels.

4. Stress And Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are two great enemies of your immune system and can ruin your health if you don’t manage them well. Stress decreases your body’s resistance against germs and making you susceptible to frequent coughs, flu and allergies and slows down the healing process. Poor sleep can worsen your stress levels and damage your immune support big time. Manage stress in your life, and don’t hesitate to see a therapist if you’re unable to cope with anxiety.

5. Smoking

Nicotine is another culprit that damages your immune system terribly. Chewing tobacco, smoking cigarettes and vaping ruin your lungs and your body’s ability to produce immune cells and proteins. Liquids that come with electronic vapes dump your immune response when you inhale them all the time. Better you get rid of smoking before it gets rid of your immunity for good.

The Bottom Line

If you’re falling sick a lot more than usual and worried as to what’s wrong with you, then we recommend you go over your habits and see if any of the immunity-killers mentioned above are part of your life. And if you find something, get rid of them right away.

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