What Are the Long-Term Health Effects of a Weak Immune System

Last Updated on March 25, 2021 by ImmuneshieldAdmin

The Immune System is a unique gift and safety mechanism provided to us by nature. This system is like an army of troops surrounding a territory’s borders to guard against external attacks. As long as the army stands strong and undeterred, the territory remains safe, but the region becomes prone to all kinds of external dangers the moment the troops fall weak. Our Immune System works precisely the same way. When this system falls weak, the first line of defense fails to stop external threats from invading the body, like bacteria, viruses, and infections.

A weakened immune system poses long-term side-effects on your health and is an open-door to endless and life-threatening diseases. To keep these illnesses at bay, we must understand these long-term health threats posed by poor immunity.

weak immune system

Weak Immune System- The Long-Term Effects

The long-term effects of poor immune can be lethal and require immediate intervention as soon you spot symptoms.  


Primary Immunodeficiency Disease

Weakness in the immune system is either present from birth, a condition known as Primary Immunodeficiency disease, which is mostly genetic. The condition cannot get better without treatment.

Secondary Immunodeficiency Disease

The other kind is known as Secondary Immunodeficiency disease, which is acquired later in life due to multiple reasons and can be temporary. Most of the time, immune support be restored by improving diet, exercising regularly, and acquiring adequate sleep.

In both cases, if the underlying issue, is a weak immune system, is not addressed timely or if the situation gets out of hands for any reasons, then be ready to face several long-term health hazards.

Long-Term Effects:

Poor Healing of Wounds:

Over time, a compromised immune system leads to slow healing of infections, wounds, and even the most minor cuts in worst cases. That also means a slow recovery of surgery incisions and stitches which can prolong pains.

Frequent Colds and Fevers:

Poor immune support results in poor protection against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other parasites, inviting flu, colds, and fevers more frequently than usual. Constantly having a runny nose, sneezing and coughs can be an everlasting nuisance.

Serious Health Risks:

If the immune system has fallen weak beyond what the body can afford, then it opens the door for diseases like HIV/Aids, viral hepatitis, leukemia and makes the body too weak to fight these diseases off.

Over-Active Immunity:

Issues with the immune system also include your body’s reaction to often harmless microbes causing ailments like asthma, eczema, and food allergy. Consulting a doctor is always advised on the appearance of the symptoms of any of these ailments.

Final Thoughts

Discussing immunity is scary indeed, but it’s crucial nonetheless. Hence, it’s pivotal to keep an eye on how your body reacts to even the most harmless invaders. And in any case, working to improve immune support and taking care of your health in the best possible way should be your top priority.

If you have any questions please call us at 561-239-0364.

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