Plant Sterol Benefits

Last Updated on April 28, 2021 by ImmuneshieldAdmin

Plant sterols are one of the most proven effective substances that combat LDL “bad” cholesterol. It is considered natural medicine. It plays a great role in preventing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and coronary artery disease.

Plant sterols are substances that include plant hormones such as beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol. These are found in plants or natural foods such as grain products, nuts, vegetable oils, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, and they host a plethora of health benefits.

Manufacturers add them to their food products, to mention some margarine, juices, and cereal to have more health-conscious potential consumers.

Plant sterols mimic cholesterol. So, the moment they reached your bloodstream, your body will be prompted to make less of its LDL cholesterol.

Plant Sterol Benefits

The Federal Drug Administration or FDA permitted the use of sterols based on its “health claims.” Researches and proofs from experts confirmed ample health benefits. Even processed food products such as juice, margarine, and cereals with sterols are called “heart-healthy foods.”

Below are the health benefits of plant sterols that consumers revel in.

  • Lowers Cholesterol Metabolism

Having the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition as the source, plant sterols are known for the positive alteration it does to the human body in cholesterol metabolism. Researchers conducted a placebo-controlled trial by giving 18 adults a sterol-deficient diet. Each group was given 0 or none, 400 and 2,000 mg of sterols daily for 4 weeks.

The results reported that the adults who took 459 mg of sterols daily experienced a moderate impact in terms of cholesterol metabolism. On the other hand, the adults taking 2,059 mg of sterol had an auspicious result on cholesterol metabolism.

The experts advised that adults can take 459 mg of sterol daily, granted that they observe a healthy balanced diet.

  • Further Lowers Cholesterol in Statin Users

In a meta-analysis and systematic review published in a trusted source, people who are taking statins to lower risks of cardiovascular problems had lowered their LDL cholesterol dramatically than solely taking statins. This, of course, requires a balanced diet as well.

  • Lowers LDL Cholesterol

As stated in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, the University of California Davis studied that drinking juices infused with sterols effectively lower LDL levels among children and adults.

During the study, 72 adults ranging from 20 to 73 years old who are healthy with trivial elevations in their cholesterol levels were advised to follow their usual diet. The only alteration made was that a cup of juice was added to their meal for breakfast and dinner.

The first group received a fortified sterol juice, while the 2nd group had non-fortified juice from the same orange juice manufacturer.

Blood tests were conducted on the participants before and after the experimental period. The results showed that the first group with sterol-fortified juice had a decrease in total cholesterol. Also, there was a 12.4% decrease in LDL cholesterol compared to the group who drank regular juice.

How Quickly Do Plant Sterols Lower Cholesterol?

According to a study, people who had been consuming margarine with plant sterols were able to lower their LDL “bad” cholesterol by 14 % within 1 year.

Required Dose for Plant Sterols Daily

According to scientific research, adults with an inherited tendency of high cholesterol (scientifically called familial Hypercholesterolemia) should take 1.6 – 1.8 grams of plant sterols.

For adults who have high cholesterol, a dose of 2-3 grams per day is recommended.

Similarly, to children with familial Hypercholesterolemia, 1.6-2.3g of plant sterols are given to ages ranging from 6-16 years old.


Our body requires a certain amount of triglycerides, HDL, and LDL cholesterol to function properly. They help regulate our biological processes as well as reinforce the formation of our cell membranes. Conversely, too much cholesterol formation, most especially LDL, harms your health, so it’s best to take plant-based sterols to keep your cholesterol level on track. Also, bear in mind that plant sterols are taken along with a healthy balanced diet.

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