Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Immune System

Last Updated on April 28, 2021 by ImmuneshieldAdmin

Work hard. Play hard. That’s how you strengthen your immune system!

When you exercise or do any sort of physical activity, it helps flush bacteria out of your lungs and airways. This decreases your chances of catching a cold or flu. Exercising regularly causes changes in the antibodies and white blood cells present in your body. White blood cells are our body’s immune system cells that are responsible for fighting diseases and illnesses. This is why when it comes to improving and strengthening your immune system, exercise is one of the most effective ways. Let’s take a look at some of the best exercises to strengthen your immune system.

Strengthen Your Immune System by brisk walking

Here are a few exercises that you can do to strengthen your immune system:

Strength training

Contrary to popular opinion, weightlifting or strength training is not just a way to build up your muscles; it goes way beyond that. Strength training is an intensive physical activity that increases blood flow throughout your body and further helps with stress relief. This improves your overall health and strengthens your immune system in the process. This is why doctors and physicians also recommend patients maintain an active lifestyle to fight back common diseases.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-intensity Interval Training or HIIT is a cardiovascular exercise strategy comprising of short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with with low-intensity recovery periods. Not only is it effective for the body, but it also saves time.

Intense exercise routines like HIIT increases your metabolism and help boost your immunity levels. Keep in mind that HIIT should be done in moderation only a few times a week as an excessive intensive workout can take a toll on your health. 

Brisk Walking

To keep your health and immune system functionality in check, it is highly essential to include at least 30-40 minutes of a brisk walk as part of your daily routine. According to a study of 1000 people during a flu season, those who included 3 to 45 minutes of walking in their daily routine had 43% fewer sick days than those who didn’t. 


If you are someone who wishes to have fun while exercising, rebounding should suit you perfectly. Rebounding is typically described as physical activity or exercise that involves jumping on a fitness trampoline. Rebounding gets your body worked up quickly, which helps in draining your lymphatic system and detoxing your body.

Rebounding is perfect for people looking for low-impact workout routines that are easier and more fun to do. You can also do it indoors, based on the weather or your preference.

The Bottom Line

Regular physical activity and exercise play a vital role in strengthening your immune system and building a strong defense mechanism for your body against infections and viruses. The key is to do it in moderation. In the beginning, do 30 minutes of exercise for 3-5 days a week and gradually increase your pace. When you exercise regularly and pair it with a healthy diet, you will automatically notice a drastic positive change in your physical and mental health. It’s a win-win situation!

If you have questions about how to strengthen your immune system in other ways, contact us!

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