4 Signs of a Weak Immune System

Last Updated on March 22, 2021 by ImmuneshieldAdmin

The human immune system is no different than an army of soldiers guarding a territory against external threats. However, if the army protecting this territory falls short of strength then the territory becomes prone to outside attacks; similarly, if the human immune system falls weak then the body gets vulnerable to illnesses. Hence, the culprit behind any illness or infection could be weakened immunity and the diagnosis of it is just as important as the diagnosis of the disease itself.

A woman with a weak immune system, blowing her nose on sofa.

Therefore, it’s important to know the signs of a weak immune system. Some of the most pressing ones are listed below:

1. Constant Fatigue:

A potential sign of a weak immune system is feeling tired after completing regular routine tasks, even with a good night’s sleep. Constantly feeling lethargic and inability to complete your tasks, as your body gets tired more quickly are signs that your immunity might be compromised and calling for attention and help.

2. Skyrocketing stress levels:

If you feel that you easily get stressed out over small stuff, or after every time there is a disturbing situation at home, a high-priority project at your job or even an uneasy discussion with one of your peers, you need to treat as a warning sign. If high levels of stress over the most mundane things are a constant occurrence for you, chances are that your immunity is compromised and requires intervention.

3. Recurring cold, cough and infections:

It is normal for adults to catch a cold up to 2-3 times a year but if you deal with this issue more often than the average, it should be considered as a red flag. A sound immune system fights against viruses that cause infectious coughing and the flu, hence the persistence of these conditions could mean that your immune system has fought beyond its capacity and needs help.

4. Constant skin infections and slow healing:

A compromised immune system can make your skin highly prone to rashes and infections like eczema and ringworms. What’s even worse is that the healing of these infections and wounds also slows down and even a small cut or bruise could take a few days to completely heal.

These are only a few yet prominent signs that indicate your immune system becoming weak that you must not neglect. Neglecting it can cause the situation to become overwhelming over time. If you have any questions or would want to discuss these symptoms, feel free to call us at 561-239-0364 and we’ll be glad to address your concerns.

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