Digestive Plant Enzymes

Last Updated on May 5, 2022 by ImmuneshieldAdmin

Digestive plant enzymes are necessary to break down foods as they are being digested and to help ensure that nutrients can be absorbed into the body. There are several types of enzymes that aid with breaking down food; here we will explore their purpose and properties.

What Are Digestive Enzymes?

Enzymes are proteins used by the body for metabolic functions such as digestion or growth. They speed up chemical reactions in living cells or lead to the formation of molecules from other molecules. When enzymes are used for digestion, they are present in the foods that we eat. Digestive enzymes break down larger molecules into smaller ones, like when a blender breaks down food into smaller pieces. There are two types of digestive enzymes: amylase (breakdown of starch) and protease (breakdown of protein).

There are many different digestive enzymes in our bodies, including pancreatic enzymes and bile salts. The pancreatic enzymes are secreted from the pancreas to help indigestion. They include lipase, amylase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. Some of these enzymes act with other digestive enzymes to break down food into smaller molecules.

What are the benefits of digestive plant enzymes?

digestive plant enzymes

Digestive enzymes are necessary to break down food as it is being digested and to help ensure that nutrients can be absorbed into the body. Digestive plant enzymes have similar properties, so they can be used interchangeably in the same recipe. They all enhance the food’s nutrient absorption and help protect against disease by helping reduce levels of harmful substances in the digestive tract. When digestive plant enzymes break down indigestible dietary fiber, they also limit the risk of colitis and upset stomach (which are due to increased permeability of the colon wall).

On top of this, digesting vegetables through cooking reduces reactive compounds (antinutrients) such as oxalates, phytates, and lectins. Cooking also down-regulates the enzymes that break down these compounds, further decreasing their levels. Raw food has a tendency to be more nutritious, but cooking and enzymes can convert some of that potential nutrition into other types of nutrients.

Enriching Gifts Digestive Plant Enzymes

Our diets are severely enzyme deficient. Do you ever eat food that has been cooked, baked, boiled, microwaved, or in any way heated or processed? Do you drink carbonated beverages? If you do, you may be prematurely depleting your body of enzymes – its very life force. Make sure you conserve and replenish your enzyme supply every day with Enriching Gifts proprietary blend of Plant Enzymes.

Recommended Usage: Take 1-3 capsules 2 minutes before each meal. 3 capsules are recommended before large meals or meals containing proteins from animals. (Steak, Eggs, Turkey, Ham, etc.) Begin with 1 capsule per day, then increase to 1 capsule per meal after one week. Continue to gradually increase your dosage by one additional capsule per meal on a weekly basis until you reach 3 capsules per meal. Since these Plant Enzymes are Systemic, they also work in the alkaline pH of the blood and can be taken without food.

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