Immune Shield featuring Ron Schneider

Last Updated on November 2, 2020 by ImmuneshieldAdmin

Hi everybody my name is John Fischer, welcome to Immune Shield and I have a very special guest today. This is Ron Schneider, Ron Schneider is the formulator of all these various products. I own Immune Shield and my experience with these particular products is strictly my experience and no one can take that away from me. I’ve had some tremendous results, I met Ron I don’t know 25 maybe 30 years ago and we started off with the enzyme product and this Sterol-Max and you know I’ve had some amazing things happen to me and so I have decided to create Immune Shield. I’ve survived a lot of things and the bottom line is I’m going to run the technical side so you’re so used to the caveman now you get to meet Ron and he’s the guy behind the scenes actually doing the formulation and has the knowledge that you need to understand. Ron take it away.

Well first of all I’d like to talk to your immune shield listeners and your audience about why you get such extraordinary results, as well as I, ’ve dealt with literally hundreds of thousands of people personally from all over the world and they all get really good results. The first thing I want to talk about is the plant enzyme product because that’s the foundation for everything else to work. If your body is consuming foods or nutrition or vitamins or supplements, protein powders, keto whatever it doesn’t make any difference if it’s not fully digested.

Here are a couple of facts that you need to know about the enzyme industry. One, there’s no such thing as a bad enzyme they’re just bad manufacturers bad formulas, and really low potency products in the marketplace that’s why vitamin or enzymes haven’t overtaken vitamins as the number one dietary supplement being consumed by the general public worldwide it’s really unfortunate because even the daily vitamin doesn’t work unless you have enough enzymes to fully digest it and that’s what you’re going to find in the plant enzyme product. So the foundation is you have to be able to digest what you consume.

Here are a couple of quick facts and I’ve been doing this now for over 30 years spent over 40 million dollars in my own clinical trial and scientific research over the last three decades. What we found out was one, every single person on the planet earth loses on average eight-ten percent of their digestive enzyme production by your own body every single decade you live your life. So by the time you’re in your 70s 80s most people are all used up their body can’t even produce 10-20 percent of the enzymes necessary to digest a meal. By the time they’re 75-78 years old which is the average age of death in America for both men and women and so if you figure out that that’s eight-ten percent every decade you live. By the time you’re in your early thirties you notice your life is starting to change by the time you’re in your late 30s early 40s, 38-42 is the exact number. Your body produces less than 50 percent of the digestive enzymes for the digestion and processing of your daily meals and nutrients and protein powders as opposed to what it did at age eighteen fifty percent or greater less enzyme production.

So there’s where your body starts the part in my language go to hell in a handbasket so does your health because without nutrition the cells of the human body can’t function and where do you get nutrition from the choices of your daily meals. Where do the cells get nutrition from? From an enzymatic digestive process and that’s where people fall down that’s where disease and illness starts to become part of your life genetics have a factor but way bigger factors is lack of enzyme production by your body to digest what you consume daily and that can all be remedied with plant enzymes.

John just like you and so many like I said hundreds of thousands of other people they really start to feel the results and they think that their life can’t improve oh I’m getting older you can’t have these expectations of great being able to do cartwheels run a marathon and this and that at age 40 50. Oh yes, you can I had a guy in Las Vegas, Nevada. Charlie was his name and this guy literally became a statewide handball champion at 84 years old and it was open to all competition levels. When I met Charlie he had such severe rheumatoid arthritis he couldn’t even hold the handball mitt or rag I call it. So these are just some of the things and again I’ve dealt with literally millions of people been in every single country on the entire planet earth that has a government, but six and they’re too radical and too crazy I wouldn’t even think of going there. These are results that anybody can expect especially your listeners and we have conference calls to support not only the education but the understanding and the comprehensive consumption of these products every single week.

Oh that’s great Ron just kind of a question for me as you know 19 years ago I had a six-tuple bypass my family suffers from coronary artery disease and again I’m not a scientific guy. I have no reason and I know we have to be careful not to you know overstate or anything, we got to be careful how we actually you know talk about the product. I’m just curious when I had that operation the cardiologist finished he said to me you know what was it what have you been taking he said because all your arteries were stuffed up your widowmaker was 99 but you had collateral arteries you had these little spider arteries that formed and pretty much kept your heart from having a fatal heart attack. The only products I was taking at the time and I was taking Sterols like crazy. This experience is one of the reasons I feel so strongly about creating Immune Shield. I was taking at least I don’t know six times three and then once in a while when I ate a big meal and I was taking the enzymes I was taking uh six three times a day and I experimented with the heart algae, but never really followed through with it so what was it about the plant enzymes and the sterols that may have caused that or why didn’t I die or is there an answer.

Oh absolutely there’s an answer and let me just say something very clearly as well as very adamantly I am not here to tell anybody that I have the ability to treat cure or eliminate any disease and illness from your body that’s done by one thing and one thing only that’s called the human immune system or immune shield and we will get into that in a little bit. What we’re able to do now with the human immune system is phenomenal incredible and groundbreaking. I mean this is a huge breakthrough that the whole world is going to benefit from and I’m just this little company and formulator that hasn’t even ever been heard of anywhere, but let me go back to why you survived that.

Again when you look at your way your body has the ability to process a normal meal at age 18, 20, 25, 30 years old when you’re muscularly developing and you’re maintaining and you’re very active the only reason you survived that is because the enzymes kept the plaque from actually creating an enclosure and closing off those spider little arteries. If you will, it kept all of that blood flowing and without that, you would have probably have died absolutely no doubt about it because one of the things that accelerate the formation of plaque as well as overall oxidation and especially arterial sclerosis which is hardening in the artery wall where to no longer expand and contract to break up the plaque as it’s forming from meals or even from what your body produces. As far as LDL cholesterol goes, the enzymes completely keep all of that liquefied in a liquid state therefore it’s able to be circulated which means the cells receive it process it metabolize it, and expel it as waste. So your whole body’s in a state of functionality and when you start to lose the ability to maintain those high levels of enzymes to digest whatever it is you’re consuming they slow down and they’re processing through their body. Well as that slows down it’s in your body longer so you have more and more time as well as a higher potential to harden actually solidify through oxidation and oxidation goes on 24 hours a day inside the human body. That means to harden or to break down and normally it means to harden so when things harden they literally get clogged up and caught up in the body rather than being processed out of the body like plaque.

Plaque is nothing more than LDL cholesterol some undigested proteins from your diet some fats from your diet, some platelets that kind of glue or mesh that holds it all together, and then some bacteria it slows circulating in the blood or in your food source when you consume it and that’s basically what plaque is. What’s building up on your artery wall or building up in your teeth or building up in your brain cells the whole thing in order for that to become a problem in the body it has to harden. In order to harden through oxidation, it has to be in the body for long periods of time enzymes speed up that digestive process of eliminating as well as delivering it to the cellular level.

In fact, we did a study at the University of Rhode Island Medical Center in October 1994 of Dr. Otifa Wade and one of the things that we were able to show is that by consuming this formula the plant enzymes under the Enriching Gifts label we were able to actually speed up the overall digestive process of you getting nutrition from your food source to the cellular body 243 times faster than your body could do it on its own not 10, not 20, not 30, not 40, not 50, but 243 times faster and one of the things as a researcher and scientist that I was concerned about how if we speeded it up that fast it’s not in the body long enough to absorb properly to get to the cell so I was thinking we were going to have very significant nutritional deficiencies show up. Exactly the opposite we were able to take and uh from sirloin state actually increased the yield to both free form and branched-chain amino acids by 523 for the um perform amino acids and 725 percent increase of long branch chain amino acids and we could do that delivery of that kind of nutrition from a protein source to the cell 243 percent faster than your body could do it on its own. So for bodybuilders athletes and anybody who’s active your recovery say because I used to be a bodybuilder and I used to be a powerlifter. In fact, I trained with the world record holder and the bench press, but anyway so that’s how your body is able to function and utilize and that’s one of the biggest reasons why you were able to overcome that what they call the widow maker that’s great. Thank you for joining us at immune Shield!

If you have any questions about Immune Shield please call 561-239-0364.

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